Online Exclusives
Are you in love with the online exclusive limited editions, but you're worried that you'll be unable to obtain them? Maybe you're at work, you're traveling, or you really don't want to spend the money on an online ticket. There are any number of reasons for you to request a "pickup" of an online exclusive model. I can log on to my own account, with my own tickets, and order these stunning models directly to your door!
As all models will be shipped to you directly from Breyer, all buyers will be responsible for shipping costs, and any taxes that Breyer applies. I also cannot guarantee that you will not get a flawed model, as I will never have the model in-hand. Shipping and taxes will be figured out in advance of payment.
Blue Zeus: $100.00 plus shipping and taxes.
he stunning blue roan Mustang stallion that once roamed the Red Desert of Wyoming is now enjoying being free again in his final home: Skydog Ranch & Sanctuary. When Clare Staples, founder of Skydog, first set eyes on Blue Zeus and his family in the wild, she knew she would do whatever it takes to keep this special family free and together. However, the news she was always dreading came to her in October 2020 – Blue Zeus’s herd was rounded up and sent to a holding facility in Colorado. With the pandemic still in full swing, BLM Mustang adoptions were put on hold. That did not stop Clare. She constantly called, emailed, and badgered the staff at the facility to let her adopt the stallion before he was sent to long-term holding, and possibly never seen again. Finally, the facility agreed to open up to a small number of people. Clare immediately spotted the blue roan stallion with white stockings and his distinct battle scars. She bid $25 unmatched, and they trailered him home to the 9000-acre sanctuary in Oregon. While Clare was happy Blue Zeus was safe, she knew he missed his family. A few months later she went back to the holding facility and had just 4 hours to look at 2,000 horses. Nearing the end of her time, she came across the last pen and spotted three mares she had seen in pictures with Zeus – she found his family! Paperwork was done and the mares and their foals were taken back to the sanctuary where they were reunited with Blue Zeus after 11 months. The family, led by Blue Zeus, now roams the sanctuary freely enjoying their new life, proving that everyone deserves a second chance.
Wild Things: $25.00 plus shipping and taxes.
For our penultimate reveal, and our final BreyerFest Limited Edition model reveal, we are so excited to show fans Wild Things. This adorable little chestnut pony is this year’s Limited Edition Stablemates model, done on the Cantering Morgan Stallion (mold #5739), and is available online only for all ticket holders to purchase! This spirited stallion has found he’s great and doesn’t hide his face. He lets it shine!